... maybe a patch too. I think I sprung a leak." - Benji the Flat.
"I suspect a nice plateful of greens will do the trick me boy!" - RG the Helpful.
Here are some pretty columbines and shade poppies for us humans.

One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
It's 8:30 pm, hope your slaves have fed you by now.
Mick says feh, he can get even flatter than that. (He's feeling a bit grumpy today.)
The flowers are purty!
Don't worry Mr Mick it will soon be party timme with lost of presents.RG don't forget to enter speedy's prize draw may it will help with the leak
I am just hazarding a guess here, but I suspect the patch Benji needs is the one right below him. Pretty nice...Oh, and,RG, I have become convinced that we are all participating in a massive experiment to see if age related mental decline can be staved off by proving we are not robots. I have to admit that I, at least, do feel a sense of accomplishment, a little surge of the old conquering spirit when I have proved I am not a robot. It lasts for seconds on end, and then I am back to Benji, i.e., deflated.
I love the flowers and all the growing things there. Where I live, the sun is about to kill everything ... by August it will look like winter because everything green will be dry and brittle and brown ...
And, Benji is doing a great "flat"! He's very good at it! I can't believe how bunns can be so flat and then so round. Very versatile and flexible... unlike me...
I call the flat look, "Smoosh Bunny." :)
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