"Goldie and I having a nice day outside on the deck and then these two hon-yocks with their paint and ladders and racket and yak yak yak. Stinks, hurts our ears, and seems to have no redeeming value whatsoever." - Benji the Whiner.

"I know Benji - but we are done on your side now. Tomorrow Racer and The Princess must put up with it. By the way, guess who goes up and does the high spots with green? Not KB, that is for sure. Not the cook either - she steadies the ladder. (Our previous cat Maxine (RIP) could climb a ladder and get on the roof!) The beautiful tree is a Katsura - smells like roasting marshmallows - colors up and loses leaves early." - RG the 'Splainer.
Ugh, painting!
Thanks for 'splaining
Looks like a heck of a beautiful view though Benji. I like it very much.
Gotta give Benji something else to whine about. Like if I were there, I would squeeze and snorgle him til he popped. Then he would not mind the other racket so much.
That tree is beautiful. Roasting marshmallows? Wowza.
Benji just look at the tree and concentrate on that scent, that should cover up the smell and inconvenience of the painting....
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous ... all of it! Bun, tree, new paint ... everything! Good Job! Benji, put on your big bunn panties and get over it! You have it gooooood! (extra treats, RG!)
Just be careful even if you are a Broomer and have brought legions of other Broomers forward. What did you do to poor little Maxine before she climbed the ladder? Dip her in the paint can?
but now you pad is spruced up and ship shape and bristol fashion Benji,pity I didn't know before I could have poped over and then we could have created some mischief...hehehehe.x Speedy
Well, Benji, at least you didn't have to get broomed out.
I've had to resort to brooming tactics now and then when some of my furfolk get into tight spots. What else can you do when even treats don't lure them out?
RG, Winston is on his way to sainthood. He has brought forth a great tidal wave of sinners who want to confess, and he has gotten a promise from Speedy to convey him to some worthy monastery where he will spend his days in prayer and meditation on the evils of the world. He will work humbly in the monastery's garden as he continues his prayerful work for the redemption of all, but especially Broomers-you know, the ones in most need of God's mercy. Winston was lucky to have the ever kind, generous, and knowledgable Speedy to aid him. Apparently the Ladies in Vans, well we know, or rather don't actually know where Winston would be if he ever entered one of their conveyances.
I like to think of Benji as more of the antagonistic Torquemada de fay type monk. As in, Hey Torquemada, whaddya say? I just got back from the Auto de fay! Auto de fay? What's an Auto de fay? Somethin' we oughtn'ta done, but we did anyway...
He will put the Brooming Heretics to the torch, like a good monk should.
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