... They threw me down, sat on me, and clipped my nails. But I gave them a good battle!" ("Look pretty sweet, eh?") - Chico the Dandy.

"Here is a nice award we got! Passing it on to Life and Times of Bunnies, Henry the Turtle, RoadBunner, Clovie Boy and Beginning to Bird. Go for it!" - RG the Generous.
Oh, Chico, you little ninny! You are the luckiest bunn in this quadrant. Don't you be calling "Rabbit"!
Oh Chico, now you know you'd get uncomfortable if they never cut your nails...
Chico, you are a rabbit. You cannot walk about like an ole bear with long claws just because you are shaggy, fierce thing.
Oh, Chico, you should get together with Betsy - she had the same thing done to her yesterday. And I'm sure she'll tell you how awful it was, too!
Thanks for the award!
Chico you may not like having you claws cut but it has to be done so stop being silly
Hmmm, Chico, I think RG and BL have too many sympathetc co-conspirators and scary on the same roaders. Shocked as I am, our first task must be to think where you might get a more sympathetic hearing. I thought Brandi might promise you anything, but then trim your nails when you got to Oklahoma. I know, I know, you'd rather have your nails trimmed. How to get you out of this mess...hmmm? You know you could come live with us. We would never be like RG and BL. You'd rather have your nails trimmed!!! Why you little...!!!
Confuciabunn say "Better to clip nails than to file teeth"
Ah... nail clipping.
...I do not look forward to the day I have to battle Mr. Ashy. (I have no idea how they clipped them at the Humane Society but I don't think they're growing?????) Miss Jamili just gets hers done at the vet. She's a teeny master escapist and I'm seriously afraid she'll break her back.
Oh dear, the clipping of the nails!
Thanks for the neat award!
Clipping the nails is my vet's job! I wouldn't dare try.
Thanks for the blog award, RG!
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