Monday, April 29, 2013


"The other day I put Benji in the "people" area just next to his usual outside pen.  He enjoyed snooping around for awhile, but was very happy to find the gate into familiar territory too!"  -  RG the Experimenter 
 "A few years ago BL picked out this tree - it was very small then - to highlight the shrub bed between the house and driveway.  She done good  - eh?"  -  RG the Admirer


bunnits said...

that's a very cute little explorer ya got there

and a lovely dogwood

bunnits said...

Oops! After I enlarged the photo, I saw it wasn't a dogwood. Blame my need to have my glasses adjusted. Pretty tree, anyway.

RG said...

It is some kind of flowering cherry ...

Unknown said...

Very pretty tree!
Benji wonders at the funny smell in the people area. Actually, the problem is more that there is a lack of bunny smell in the people area. Bunny smell makes everything smell better.

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a lovely tree and glad Benji enjoyed his explorations!

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

BL, did really well. I think Benji is looking for her.

SixBunnies said...

I sometimes feel guilty that my bunns haven't gotten "out" enough to run round, although they have nice enclosures that can support several hops before running into the other side of the enclosure ... but when I leave the door open nobody wants to come out ... they seem perfectly happy to sleep in their litter boxes ... sheesh...

The tree is absolutely gorgeous! I would love to live in such a paradise!

Little Miss Titch said...

Love Benji and the pretty tree!Speedy had lots of running around time today,this morning while I was at work Speedy was out in the front garden with dad and this afternoon he was out in the back garden with me!

RoadBunner said...

Beautiful little tree!

I find Mario is definitely much more confident in familiar areas. But it never hurts to explore someplace new.

Jade said...

Lucky you--Mr. Mick would have immediately declared the "people" space to be his, and you'd have never been able to get him out of there.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Gorgeous tree. I would be out there exploring that too!