... "Over ate? Too much booze. Not enough sleep? Excess partying? Celebration to the max? REDEEM YOURSELF! (Leave treats inside the little door.) - The Bunn in the Booth

"Leave me alone, Bunns. I can overdo it once in awhile." - Frustrated RG
Hahahaha RG don't you know if you can't keep up with the buns while partying then you don't get any sympathy from them,Hope you had a merry one,xx Rachel
I believe that I can interpret the look on Benji's face. It says "Over-do the treats while you're at it, RG!"
Am I right, Benji?
He also says "Youbetcha, Brandi!"
I gotz mad skillz, yo....
Ahemmm, yes that is quite correct...this realm allows only certain avenues for its humans to "over do it." It is a curious paradox...the humans get to try to over do it...but they actually can't. They can't give too many treats according to Benji, but take good care of your bunny. After a liberal holiday, hide the rest.
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