.... I'm hunkering down right in here. Bring me some Hot Chocolate. Let those 2-foots go out and fight the cold." - Smart Chico

"Coming right up - with a candy cane to stir with?" - RG at your Service with a Smile
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
You have the right idea Chico!Brrrr indeed.we have just survived another storm,luckily the worst of it missed us but the north ans east coast not so lucky,xx Rachel
Rachel, We have been reading (BBC) about this storm. Stay safe.
Ohkeep warm and safe Chico (and all the bunnies)
My car is stuck in the garage. Snow drifts over a nice thick layer of black ice blocking my way out.
No work for Brandi!
Mentally cuddling with Chico. Why, yes, a peppermint stick sounds pleasing with a cuppa hot chocolate, RG-With-A-Smile. The Cheekster and I will take a double!
If the Amazon Drone Delivery Service was available I would send Double Hot Chocolates with Candy Cane Stirrers to all of you!
But since it isn't - BL and me and the Bunns will have an extra in your honor!
Keep warm and safe everyone ...
Even his ears are tucked close to his body! You know it's cold when bunns tuck their ears in close! Snuggle Snuggle Snuggle! :)
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