"Wazzup Zoey?" "Chico, do you feel like we are packed in here wrong?" "I do Zoey. I surely do, now that you mention it." "It must be all that temporary Holiday help .. they don't know a happy bunny from a shoe box." - Stuffed Pair

"We need Dudley Doright to the rescue..." - RG the Helpful
well at least the pair of them will be keeping warm in there!
All my encounters with temporary holiday help have been delightful. Perhaps their one failing has been that they have known the difference between happy bunnies and shoe boxes. Every time I say "nines", they show up with boxes of shoes. I wanted a happy bunny so much, but nooooo, all I got was boxes containing shoes. I am sorry that things have not gone so well for Chico and Zoey, but I would like to thank them for "sharezees". It is working out really well around here. I think I heard the OED included "selfie" this year. Well thanks to the bunns , next year will be better.
Happy Birthday, RG. You are so old now! And wise (sort of). And ... I speak for all the buns and KB when I say "We wish you a Happy Birthday, We wish you a Happy Birthday ..." (music is like a Xmas song, but it's really a birthday song and original.) Much Love, BL
Happy Hoppy Birthday from me and Mr. Mick, RG! Hopefully the Bunns will take it easy on you today. :D
Happy birthday RG, hope all the bunnies are throwing you a party
Happy Birthday, RG
كل السنة وانت طيب
الله يطول عمرك بالصحة والسعادة والسلامة
Happy Birthday, RG!! Wishing you many more.
Happy Birthday, RG! Hope it's a good one! Jensen and Buttercup send nose bonks.
Happy Birthday RG,did you get any cake?xx Speedy
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