... I have to come to visit you behind bars and then bail you out. Listen Buster. 2014 is going to be different. No more Honky Tonks." - Zoey THUMP

"I bet 2014 is not all that different Zoey! Bunns will be bunns." - RG the Wise
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
This whole dang situation has the makings of a "somebunny done somebunny wrong" song!
Jail, honky tonks, boozy dudes and floozies who hate to love them...wait, not floozies. In Zoey's case it would be disapproving dudes and the floofies who keep them in line!
"Because you're mine, I walk the line!"
My big mouth is gonna get me into trouble in 2014!
Hope 2014 is a wonderful year for all of you...
RG? Opinions? From us? When have you ever known any of us to have opinions?
I really would like 2014 to be the best ever for everyone and everybunn until next year which I want to be even better.
Now, I could use an advice column from Zoey focusing on making huswhatevers behave. I am proud to see she is standing by her man (waiting to get her paws on him).
Brandi? When have you ever gotten in trouble? Happy Birthday to Bugs!
Hehehehe "the Boys are back in town"Hey Chico ready to slip out for the boys night out?xx Speedy
Loved rreading this thank you
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