Chico has had the last of his various meds and potions and Bunny Lady proclaims him as good as new! Everything is working as it should and Chico is like he always used to be. Whew!
(in reading back over the posts about Chico, I don't think they quite conveyed the despair we felt. There was Chico taking on water and nutrical and even eating some, but nothing coming out ... we totally expected the very worst there for awhile. Such a huge relief to get up in the morning and see his litter box - used!)
Chico has never been much of a water drinker, and the bunns had a lot of spinach in their salads recently .. high in calcium. Could of been the problem. Chico is getting lots of watermelon now, to keep him better hydrated.

What a party for the bunnies ... we feel like we should go help clean up and put things away! That was a big effort, well done! We'll be talking about that for a long time. Take a well deserved break, Texas!
Glad everything is back to a-ok! He is a cutie face.
I'm so glad he's better now.What an adorable photo.
I'm so glad to hear he's well! It is difficult to convey the worry... non-bun people thought it was "cute" that Brewster was eating Critical Care from a syringe. Umm... maybe, but it would be cuter if he were well!!
I could read your despair and worry a,d dread in every post about Chico
And I was glad to see that photo of the used litter box!
Well, if BL proclaims him good as new, he is! Although you may not have expressed your despair, every rabbit nurse had great sympathy with you. Honestly, one of the first things I'd think of in the morning was Chico's health. I think the Oxalates in Spinach can cause a problem in some rabbits, this is another element of Kidney stones and sand. Oxalates are cleared from the body in a week. Too much calcium upsets the phosphorous/calcium ratio.
And, yes, hats off to Texas!!!! What party!!!!
I'm so glad to hear he is good as new! Yay Chico :) *hugs* to you guys
Woo hoo!! Chico's A-OK!! He must have partied the sludge away :p
Yay for Chico!
Wasn't that a GREAT party!?
Great news, what a cutie. Its tough sometimes to know whats wrong with them.
I'm so glad Chico is back to his old self. He's such a cutie, and the world would a much sadder place without him. Every time I see that face I want to reach through the computer and cuddle him.
I think I see the problem, though. Look at that box--he's been hitting the sauce. No more partying for you, Chico!
Yay, Chico! Watermelon sounds yummy for a bunny!
I didn't know buns liked watermelon--now Pink's been asking for some... (And we had a sense of how much despair you were feeling, not because of what you said, but because of how scary and dire it is when the critters get stopped up.)
Great party--we're still hung-over here!
so glad to hear he is back to pooping esp in light of rabbie's situation. chico you're a handsome boy!
yup - cadbury and maelstrom did a great job on the party
Great to hear such good news Chico!
Way to go Chico! Gotta lay off the spinage a bit, eh? Hey Hey.
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