Still no sign of Spring .. we have had only 13 days this year where the temp got into the 50s .. no 60s. A cold, dreary, dank, gray, gloomy, sodden, brooding several months. No wonder Lewis and Clark only stayed one winter! But then sometime soon .... Do you remember Mr. Perry Como singing "The greenest green you've ever seen is in Seattle, and the sky's the bluest blue in Seattle ..." well, that is usually May! Mostly we all just sing "Louie, Louie" - even though no one seems to know the words. About now even that does not seem to matter.
I'm sure The Princess is very happy to be your snugglebun again. I hope Spring comes soon!
I am glad to see the Princess back in your lap again! Hope you can have lots of snuggle time together now!
Princess looks so happy there, glad you can snuggle her again!
Snuggling with Princess will help that arm heal faster!
We like that greenest green part, but not the rain so much (however rain is better than snow!) Too bad we have to have the rain in order to get the green.
Princess seems to be in the right place -look how regal she looks, whilst claiming her space on you :)
Spring will show up with a bang...wait and see, and in the meantime, keep on healing :)
Now Spring will come, the Princess merely needed to be restored to her rightful throne.
YAY! I'm sure the Princess is quite content on her old throne.
I'm sure she's happy to be back where she belongs!
She looks completely content!
Princess looks really content being back on your lap again :)
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