The Luckster is surely one lucky Lucky!!! He gets the royal cuddlin' and do you think he likes that? He's double lucky because when we first got him he was very frail and suffering from excess heat and stress. He has become a sturdy, happy, dandy bunn - even if he does have to live with that rascal Winston!
Hoo boy ... back down almost to 20 again tonight. Our yard looks like Alaska!

Went to the Doc today ... been 5 weeks. Things are OK. I can leave the sling off more around the house, and can ditch it for good, except when out in crowds, in a week. That's when I start physical therapy. The first 4 weeks will be arm and shoulder movements that require no use of the shoulder muscles ... dangling, swinging, and moving it with my other hand and arm. It takes all those 10 weeks to fully heal that reattached and stitched tendon. Boy what an ordeal. But - I have no pain .. just odd sensations of stretching, tightness and pressure in my shoulder ... and I am mighty happy. I'm pretty sure the secret Chinese methods that I faithfully used helped with that! So, onward I go.....
Lucky looks like quite a love. Here's a hug for him and all your other delightful buns.
Keep up the good work on the shoulder. I had a friend who went through the same thing. Just takes time and keeping to the therapy. And don't be shoveling any snow!
I'm glad you're doing better. You should tell Lucky's whole story sometime. Sounds like it's a good one!
Sounds like Lucky and Driftwood (from Gorgie Farm) would have a lot to talk about....
Glad your shoulder is getting better,
A real lucky one he is, that Lucky.. No more suffering for him ever again!
Good to hear you're about ready to ditch the sling ;) What a relief it must be..
Well we are glad that you found Lucky and that he is so happy now!
Good to hear your shoulder is feeling better!
Glad to hear your shoulder is feeling better! Must feel good to be getting back to normal again!
Good to know ur progress..
And yeah, Lucky are sooo lucky.. *cuddle*
You're a good patient RG! Glad you have no pain, either you got lucky, well you have Lucky, or this crazy Qi stuff really works. Now maybe if Lucky will lay on your shoulder it will heal even faster........
You know, I'd love to hear the stories of how you got all your bunnies sometime! I think bunnygirl's idea is great. :)
Lucky BL to have such a large number of shoulder snugglers.
Hey, I'm a little worried tonight. Peaches has a little cough. No discharge and still quite active, running around, eating, pooping. I'd heard it a few times over the last few days and didn't know who it was (thought it might be a cat) and finally caught her. She snuggles with the boys, goes to stand up, coughs a little (bark bark) rubs at her nose with her paws, then goes about her business. We'll go to the vet of course (I'll make an appointment tomorrow), but what do you think, in your experience, it might be?
What a little snuggler! And I saw in the new post that even Winston can be snuggled...
Oh snugglebuns! Winston looks almost exactly like the Winston that is living with Amy and was my guest for a few months back in 2004 when I was living in London...I may make a post on him :)
Lucky is THE therapy bunny - it is so good to hear that you are making progress (and yay to no pain!) - shoulder issues can be very limiting. Now that I think of it, the progress is certainly aided by the bunnies - put bunny in contact with troublesome shoulder, pat bunny, and wait for 5 min. Repeat application with a new bunny.
lucky has the best cheeks ever.
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