We could have a "Guess the Bunny" contest, but I would probably lose. I am pretty sure this is The Princess, although her current box has no side holes. I took the picture several days ago, and labeled it "Nose". There is a big hole now in the bottom of her box ... and her box is white. Only Chico has a white box too, and this is surely not Chico. I bet the box was turned on it's side when this was taken .... yes, that must be it. Right? Hello mind, you still all there?
Speaking of Chico, his condition is the same .. he is alert, played again outside, eats reasonably well. But little pee and poops .. not a good sign at all. Chico had another "sub-Q" water infusion today .. he'll take tomorrow off and then we'll see. It's a terrible worried, unsettled feeling we have ... thanks still for the kind words and helpful ideas, they mean a lot to us, and many we have tried.

Dat's a very pretty snozzle!
Bunny kisses to r friend Chico! Feel better soon!
mama and daddy said dey had dat wurried feeling last night. come chico, if i can git better, so can you! xxxxx
That's a sweet bunny nose, no matter whose it is.
Chico, you must get better! Maybe the vet can work you into his or her busy schedule on Monday. We love you and we want to see you chowing down at the party buffet this coming weekend!
i love bunny noses. during feeding time (oats!) i see a row of four wiggling noses behind their food bowls.
i know that feeling...it's worst in the mornings when you first wake up, and when you notice a symptom...your heart drops about a mile down.
BL and RG, don't forget to keep eating, sleeping, and smiling. chico will know when you're worried and sad.
oh poor Chico, its so worrying when rabbits are like that, hope you get fully better as soon as possible.
Looks like Princess is eating her way out of the box!
We're still crossing our fingers and paws for Chico! C'mon, little guy, get better!
Princess ? or Benji? Baxter? if so how did you get in that box? Somebun is playing tricks on RG.
Chico, Chico, Chico, we really, really want you to get better!
What about some 100% cranberry juice in his water? are you feeding him enough of the liquid food? The most common problem is that the person isn't giving enough of it. We use Oxbow's Critical Care and it seems to take a lot to keep everything going. If he isn't pooping well then he definitely isn't getting enough... don't know what else to suggest though!
Get better soon, Chico!
That's a great picture!
Feel better Chico! We want you back to normal really soon!
Mmmm velvety muzzle. Chico, now stop being sick, k?
Chico, please get well soon. I know that scared and worried feeling....
Oh poor Chico!
Sludgy urine = urinary tract infection in my book. Sir Harvey started suffering of it on and off, usually he managed to get a few months break, and then it would start again. He used to get baytril to combat the infection, and probiotics to avoid gut upsets, nothing more. There are different theories why bunnies develop UTI that can end up with kidney stones, and in the worst case scenario in kidney failure. In any case, limiting the calcium intake is difficult and also showed that it wasn't a cure. The rabbit excretes the excess calcium in the urine, and if the intake is severely cut, the next thing that happens is that the body will take calcium from inside the body, aka from the bones, thus causing porous bones with all the complications it can cause.
Fluid therapy is the next best thing for the bunnies, subQ so to say. There is so much more to say, but we're in a rush these days.. no time to blog, sadly.
May I ask how old is he? Maybe his output can be helped with some gut mobility drugs taken orally?
We're keeping fingers and everything long crossed for our Chico - and hopefully we'll be back online soon to catch up with you. Healing vibes and all the best from all of us.
bunny noses are the cutest noses on earth!
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