Tuesday, March 24, 2009

TA DA !!!!!!

Chico's litter box this Tuesday morning!

.... OK, OK, so it isn't a LOT but when you are worried that everything is sludged shut, this is GOLD! Chico is eating really well and still getting some stuff by syringe in his mouth and is really lively, so we are feeling nice and positive.

BL got some watermelon and cantaloupe and fresh pineapple .. he is getting lots of moisture plus greens, hay, and oats ... he eats a LOT! Now tell me true, Goldie ... does a FULL blond really have more fun????


Anonymous said...

POOPIES! We're all doing binkies over here

Crafty Green Poet said...

Yes I know that feeling of being so delighted by a modest amount in the litter tray. So glad he's doing well.

Anonymous said...

who ever thought poop would bring a smile to my face? We are glad he is doing better and we will continue to send hoppy healing vibes

Glenna said...

Yay! DOOTS! Says Chico: "I was just constipated. Jeez."

Deb Cushman said...

Yay, Chico! Bet all the Bunns are celebrating today!

Fez and the Gang said...

Yay Chico! Way to go buddy!

Erin said...

Yay for poopies!!! Keep up the good work, Chico!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Yay, Chico! You'll be ready to rock by the weekend. Save room for the buffet after the concert!

d. moll, l.ac. said...

What a lovely sight, well done, Chico.

Anonymous said...

Poops! Yayyyy!!!

RoadBunner said...

Aack! I have been so bad about reading/commenting. I'm SO glad Chico is doing well! I hope he continues to get better. Hungry bun is a good sign!

nneeki said...



tamara said...

and not just poops...it looks...like...there's...PEEEEEE!!

Anonymous said...

Aw man I'm sorry to hear what you have been going through with your little Chico. I'm glad to see he's doing better though! It's so hard when they get sick and we do the best we can. I wonder if his bladder sludge is hereditary. My rabbit vet said it is with some buns even if they have the right diet.

Anyway, glad he's pooping, hope it gets more faster and he's all better soon!

sorry i've been mia - just too much going on!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for doots!!!

Anonymous said...

YAY for Chico pooties!! I ate some carpet from my new bun condo the other day and got a bunny tummy ache myself, We will post about this over the weekend. Mom is being Pootie Nazi over here too....