If it is not edible he will be not happy ....
I guess I have passed a milestone in rehabilitation. I can reach the toilet paper dispenser with my repaired arm! I can tuck in a shirt unaided too.
Hopefully, pretty soon, I'll be able to reach the goodies BL has stashed on the top shelves!
Yes, reaching the TP is important. As for being able to reach the goodies, I say that's quite an incentive. Maybe BL is in league with the PT, who urges her to put things on progressively higher shelves until your full range of motion is restored?
I am glad you are healing up! I'm sure BL is VERY pleased :)
Baxter looks like a great orator! Maybe you could hire him out as a guest speaker.
Yay for reaching the TP! You're coming along nicely!
yeah - that is awesome glad you are feeling better.
Congrats on your milestone! Please rub Bax's nose for me!
Wow, that's great progress on the arm! BL should start keeping a sharp eye on her goodies, lest any go missing ;)
Half a Bax, now that's one striking pose! Definitely deserving of an award! And to think he executed it when he had just woken up from sleep? Such talent!
Congrats on being able to reach for that milestone. I certainly think an Olympic edible award is in order; carrot medallion ????
I meant for Baxter, you can reach your own now.
Well now if you can reach the tp you'll have to change the roll when it is empty. (This is on my mind and I can not forget it. I have an empty roll in the guest bath and people are coming over!)
The half-bax how cute.
Good progress! Please rub Bax's nose for me too XD
good progress for you and a very cute photo of Baxter.
haha, good to hear of your toilet paper success. and baxter's cheeks! i love bunny cheeks.
Baxter is quite the star - any treats for him being so cute?
Glad to hear you are almost back as new with the arm :)) Nothing like having back the use of the arms (I had a frozen shoulder two years ago, and it took me the best part of a year to regain the full mobility - I hope I won't have to experience it ever again!)
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