You are also supposed to use a cane in some of those exercises and I don't have one but I do have an umbrella. Actually everybody in the Pacific North West has an umbrella but we never use them because the rain is too light and unpredictable and it's a pain carrying one around but rarely using it. So that's my other tool.
He did not twist me harder ... he made me do a LOT more harder movements and wave that stupid pink dumb bell around! I hurt.
Here is Zoey from the front and still showing her carefully arranged strands. I have no idea why her legs are so short and her top-knot so bright white. She kind of looks like a bad stuffed animal. But she's not ... she's my Zoey, Zoey!

A hammer is a much more manly practice weight, so that was a good idea. Come to think of it, I'm not particularly fond of pink exercise gear and equipment, myself. It annoys me that there's still a perception out there that everyone with two X chromosomes must naturally want to wear and be surrounded by pink.
I love that pic of Zoey. She does look a little like a toy, but that's what makes her so adorable!
The hammer is definitely a good idea.
Adorable photo of Zoey, she is so cute.
Zooey looks like this cartoon character from the '50s (?) Max, a funny furry animal. I think I have a book or him.....Good luck with your hammer, I think you'll make better progress than with a girly weight.
I have to tell you - i got a little nervous when I saw the hammer (not enough sleep)
Zoey has charm and personality
I think I have a cane - if you want it (one of the kids had it for a halloween costume) if you send me your adress at I can overniight it to you. i think it would be sturdier than the umbrella - let me confirm forst that it is still in the house
Hef looks around at his pink walls. "THEY DON'T LIKE PINK?!!" If I have paint because of this I'm not going to be happy!
P.S return of the word verification being a real word, mine is candier
That is SUCH a wonder-bun you've got there!
Gee, RG, I didn't know my dumb little blog meant so much to you - who's making excuses anyway? ;) I'll let you in on a little secret... don't tell, but I really dislike UCONN. Bad school!
PT's so much fun, ain't it?
If I had a hammmmmmer.....I'd hammer in the mooooorning....
I think Zoey looks like a good stuffed animal, not a bad one. Elvis thinks she's pretty nifty and says he'd like to snuggle with her and share hairdo ideas. And also warn her about people wanting to trim her face.
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