One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Benji and Goldie are almost never in this box when they are outside. Must be something good in there .... maybe there is a movie playing! What would it be?
Hop over to MyHouseRabbit and see a new rabbit book. Anybody know any of the contributors?
I bet it's Bunnicula! Or maybe the Velveteen Rabbit...
I love bunnicula - I cant count the times I read that to my children - or maybe where the wild things are, which I hear is coming out soon
Watership Down?
Look at all that velvetty gold fur! Looks so soft.
I don't know about the movie, I think their drinking wine in there. Did you take the wine out of the box? Thought not!
Funny picture, bunns love optical jokes.
What is inside the box? What is it??
That's where the get up to Secret Bunny Stuff, like plotting how they'll take over the world.
Goldie's fur looks so beautiful in this photo...
Straw Dogs?--Adapted, of course: Straw Buns.
Extra-dry Cinzano- isn't that made from fermented carrots?
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