April is Earth month .. lots of events and celebrations around. Our big show is this Saturday at the Swinomish Reservation ... work parties, salmon bbq, education booths, kids activities, and native American entertainment. You may remember that last year it snowed!!!! We'll all join hands and dance around in a big circle while the drummers drum and the chanters chant and some old Swinomish song is sung in the native Salish dialect. (no pictures!)
What are you doing for Ma Earth?
I wish I had a condo! And someone to clean for me! :P
I hope you have fun on Saturday!
Mr Lucky looks so much like my ball of neurotic hate...sigh.
For Earth Day-I am cleaning out my closets and donating all my unused clothing to Goodwill's Earth Day Recycle Drive
Lucky looks like he's still not quite sure he won't get put in the jail next!
Look at those cheeks on Lucky! They're just begging to be squished and kissed!
Looks like teamwork is alive and well at A Houseful of Rabbits! Lucky Lucky!
Freckles has great Earth Day plans. She plans to rid the world of dandelions, starting with our yard.
Nice shot, tells the story. Earth Day? hmm, I think I'll wash some plastic bags for re-use instead of re-cycling.
Ooh, what a lovely summer coat somebunny's showing off! The dancing sounds like so much fun-fun. Really? No pics? Well, I have a dentist appointment on Earth Day... actually, for me EVERY day is Earth Day! Ha Ha!
Since we moved in we have outfitted every light with CFL bulbs, and we just got recycled paper towels!
Does anybunny try to get the get out of jail free card? Go Directly to jail do not pass the deck do not collect a salad, lol
Lucky looks so cute! I forgot about Earth Day... we'll have to think of something good to do for it.
Lucky looks like he's saying, "neener, neener, neener!"
so many bunny blogs so little time!!!!
thank you rabbit guy for stopping by and thank you SO much for the earth day reminder!
i'll let you know what *they* decide to do...although i have a sneaking suspicion that they'll decide to prune the neighboring church yard of their dandelion epidemic!
Because u are so cute, i give u an award... Please claim it from our blog!
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