Monday, April 13, 2009


I thought Lucky looked a little strange out the window. Sure enough ... he has grown a cookie-duster on his posterior! Kind of tidys up as he goes.
Actually I think he is moulting ... I notice The Princess losing big tufts of hair down there too.
At this place out on the deck today, these Boyz, Baxter and Zoey, and Chico all were sitting and staring off in the same direction .... nothing there I could see. Maybe they all smell something.


Anonymous said...

Hehe! Cute little muffin top on Lucky ;)

Anonymous said...

ha - how cute and they are multi tasking , cleaning as they go.
dont be fooled, when mine congregate they are up to something - actually they are always up to something

Andrewbun said...

Awww what a cute little cookie duster! LOL.
Andrewbun is molting too.

d. moll, said...

Can he come and clean up under the couch for me?

Anonymous said...

They are so adorable...even if they are staring off into nothingness!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

He can clean as he goes and give a whole new meaning to the term "dust bunny."

RoadBunner said...

Better hope Lucky doesn't read the blog!

Crafty Green Poet said...

I do wonder what they're looking at...

Mel said...

Aww, my Lily has a dust ruffle as well.

Anonymous said...

that is too funny