And grilled out! ............
Bunny Lady asked us to say THANKS to all who suggested watermelon for Chico. It's a daily item now for him and he is his old happy, binky self! Chico is real tight with BL.
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
That's a warm nose! Get that garden going!
Welcome to BL i believe I was one of those persons.
RE: RG comment: yes that was why I put it up, The Spots are equal opportunity groomers.......
Benji would look very cute in shades! Glad the watermelon worked so well for Chico
Burger!! Yumm!!!
Benji in shades.. now that would be too adorable :)
So glad that Chico is back to his usual binky self - yup, watermelon is a yummy helper :)
glad everyone is healthy - I skipped breakfast this morning and now I am starving - that looks so yummy
What a wonderful picnic! We had to blink lots from all that sunshine -- but it sure brought the dandelions out!
Yummy looking food! And we'll be trying the watermelon here also to see if the buns like it.
We had sunshine too! Mom has to leave and go back to Canada where it is snowing! Haha!
Benji looks like he is enjoying the sun.
By the way, Jack's old owners thought she was a boy, and named her Jack, before she came into the rescue. But see... she actually comes when Mom says her name, so she doesn't want to change it! She's such a suck up...
Is Benji playing groundhog, checking to see his shadow?
Happy Spring, bunnies!
We attempted watermelon in the past but the babies would not eat! Sigh, I am glad it worked well for Chico and will suggest it at the rescue. Details about watermelon being helpful please?
Oh my goodness, a grilled burger in early April- it's like a miracle. Meanwhile in Detroit, it's snowing- and State is losing with 8 minutes to go in the second. All of America will hate the Tarheels tomorrow.
60 degrees? LUCKY!! it is in the low 30s here! imagine dat!
Benji, living in foggy San Francisco I feel the same way you do when the sun comes out!
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