Bought February 2010. Dell Inspiron. $1100. Windows 7. Intel Core i3 processor- 2.93ghz speed. 6 gb memory (ram). 21 1/2" HDTV. DVD Read/Write. 283GByte Hard drive - 24GBytes already used by installed software! Weight - about 25 lbs total.

"Think we will get the boxes Baxter?????" "Hope so, they look quite yummy Zoe-Zoe."
New looks good! How will Bax and ZoZo remodel the boxes? do they have plans?
As my bunnies would think "cords! Nom nom nom!!" ;)
(fyi, all my cords are kept safely away from them, but they do try)
Nice new 'puter. It's for storing bunny pictures, right?
I look forward to seeign the bunny building projects using the boxes
Look at those yummy dangly cords, forget boxes!
Glad to see you finally upgraded! ;-)
Oh and computer boxes are the BEST for bunnies, since they're so big and square - perfect for making houses out of.
Um, not that I would know anything about that... errrr... ummm...
Congratulations! You upgrade about as often as we do.
Those buns really need those boxes. Fork 'em over.
MMMMMMMMm. We love when Mommy shops. Boxes are fun.
Better get some cord covers. Enjoy your new toy, BL and RG!!!!
Oooh, I'm so jealous! We're dying for a new computer here at the Zoo!
Oh, congratulations!
I am sure the buns have already made short work of the boxes.
Sounds like a win-win situation for everyone!
Word verification is "spendsie" (hee hee)
Nice upgrade! Love the flat screen as opposed to the boofy monitor from 2000! :)
Great news! Looks very fast and sleek! I have a new laptop myself, and I LOVE it.
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