... Get a new box here. Chico and Zoey are eating themselves out of house and home!" - RG the Panicked

"It's filthy, too." - Racer who NOSE
"Awhile back, Washington State went from all State operated liquor stores to private. Now everybody and their brother sells booze. It is harder to get good boxes. Hopefully BL has a stash." - RG the News Reporter.
Froggy Update!
Here is our boy, looking pretty chubby. There is a dead fly there - he won't touch it. I need to get better at just stunning them. I hope he lasts for another month. Maybe then he can go outside.
That froggie will never leave you! Who would?
Amazing work on that cardboard box, the pair should be very proud.
Go to WalMart at night while they are restocking the shelves. Boxes, Boxes, Boxes Galore!
You have to put the flies in a container and stick them in the frig. The cold makes them hibernate. Pull off one of their wings and set it where Froggy will find it trying to fly in circles. The warm air will make it come out of hibernation, the one wing will make it wiggly, thus it will be appetizing to Froggy, but it won't be able to fly away.
Now, if you are a Buddhist, I do not recommend this method. You will be reincarnated as a microbe in a pile of cow poop for the flies to eat. Pulling off wings is bad Karma.
A good secular humanist or even a Unitarian could pull the wings off helpless insects without fear or guilt, I suppose.
And it IS for a good cause. Froggy has to eat.
Hmmmm...so many theological issues to contemplate with flies and frogs...
Wish I could "boop" Racer's nose through the computer screen.
brandi, I can so relate to you, having grown up in Oklahoma. Only Okies would pull wings off a fly without flinching... I remember frying grasshoppers and feeding them to the neighborhood kids... seriously... and I don't THINK I am a sociopath??? I certainly couldn't do it now ... but I distinctly remember having no remorse for feeding them to the neighborhood kids ... maybe for frying them... I dunno ..
Almost too much for me to handle! A Racer nose, a mention of Chico and Zoey AND Froggie all in one post! I am pretty sure Froggie will have lost his survival instincts and needs to stay in the HOR forever!
... one more thing ... I think Froggie needs at least side billing on the website ... how about "and a green Froggie ... " ????
The Pacific Tree Frog
Put a pan of water in his tree, RG. He is looking a bit parched. A nice soak might cheer him.
Oh, maybe go to Lowes or Home Depot and get a little bitty plug in desk water fountain. You could put it by his tree and he can have his own little spa. I think you should just keep him indoors til it is good and warm outside, then you can put him in your garden, and maybe put a fountain in your garden for him/her. Then maybe he/she will come back inside for next years winter accommodation.
Bunnies, KB, eagles, frogs...you got the life up there, RG!
Yep, I am sure RG is feeling he's got the life! Does "R" stand for "Riley?" But. Seriously, HOR pictures are just wonderful. Thanks. Hey, get those bunnies something decent to snuggle in!
Boxes: go to the U-Haul store and buy a couple of used (if they sell used) or even new ones. They're good and will last longer than liquor store boxes (and they're not that expensive). Or go to a fancy-pants wine shop. I tote home used bankers boxes from the law firm where I work. Very sturdy.
Froggy: why on earth would he leave? He's got food (some stale), water, plants, and his picture in the blog!
Oh yeah, the caving-in box home......
Holy cow there's a frog now too!! Racer <3
wow the buns and froggy have been busy!
I save boxes from work. They're like gold.
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