"He is still not better. This is slow going. Maybe BL is treating him too good. - She is doing great with us." - Winston, rolling in the hay!

"I'm coming along - maybe another couple of days. I have a hard time getting over colds, even though I stay pretty couch bound and cozy and sleep a lot." - RG the Patient
While the Broomer is away, Winston will play.
It takes time to recover, but you'll get there! And all that bunny energy is so healing....
I think you just extra BL attention...you were jealous of KB all cozy and snuggly with her the other day, then had the nerve to claim your chair...
feel better soon, there are certainly some tenacious viruses going around.
Of course, Brandi, has ferreted out the truth!
Hang in there, RG. You, too, BL. These things take time. And if it seems like RG is milking it a little for the attention, BL can get the broom after him. I'm sure that would give the buns a smile.
Feel better soon! And treat BL to something nice after for all her hard work!
Bunnits, I know some people who have smiled at just the thought of it.
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