Sunday, February 17, 2013


"OLE!"  - Chico el Cheeks de la Don Cheekers el Esquire.
"I'm just so lame with my Photo-shop skills, Cheekers.  But still - you would look good in a black Cadillac!"  -  RG the Average.


Crafty Green Poet said...

Chico looks a little bemused there!

Unknown said...

Viva Mexico! Viva Chico! Viva HOR!!

SixBunnies said...

That is a really nice sombrero, Chico! You are so handsome! I do not think brandi can resist you now ... RG, you might want to double check any repair Ladies coming in vans to "fix the sink" for a while ...

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

I look, I faint, I rise up on my elbows, I faint again ... It is the dashing Chico. Perhaps sombreros should be controlled substances while gauchos like Chico gallop around.

Little Miss Titch said...

now thats more like it a very handsome fellow I think I might send Speedy around to tempt you with a little holiday with us,xx Speedy's mum