... he's dressed normal for a change. I think he is coming outside to see the sun! My gosh he is upright and steady. He lives! RG lives!" - Yur Reporter Benji.

"Marginal still, little pal. Marginal. But tomorrow I'm going all out!" - RG the Returning.
It's alive! It's alive! Sincere apologies. I just had to. Look at that sweet Benji face.
RG, The Rabbit Slave Zombie...
He should have stayed in bed another 48 hours, now he is dragging ass through the Houseful of Rabbits, dishing out pellets, making a mess of the hay, and craving BRAINS! BL denies that anything is wrong to the military and authorities, while she has RG caged in a bunny condo. The only hope the unsuspecting world has is a little kitty. Kitty Boy. KB. Zombie Killer.
(it's late, or early, however you see it, and I am delirious sleepy...)
Glad you're feeling better RG - perhaps a couple of days of eating well and taking it easy will just about sort you out.
So glad you are getting better, RG!
Glad you're getting better RG! benji is a sweet little look-out there!
That is an impressive pile of poops in what looks to be a freshly cleaned litter box, Benji! Good job!
So glad you are doing better. Man you were sick for a long time. Stinks.
RG, missed you and so glad you are up and around. But don't rush the recovery! Take it easy a couple more days.
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