Sunday, February 3, 2013


BL is doing a great job.

Monday is cancelled.  Maybe even Tuesday!


Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oh no... Thank goodness RG has BL. We should all be so lucky. You're in the best hands RG. Get better soon.

Unknown said...

Pretty Princess Loaf.
Stay in bed, cuddle KB, STAY WARM. Ugh, hope it's not the stomach flu! We are all just getting over that horror.

Grandmother Josefina's Cold/Flu "Tea" Recipe: By ONE PART, I mean about 1/4 cup, NOT a full mug. DO NOT make ahead of time. Make AS NEEDED. DO NOT let it sit!

One part strong HOT tea, any flavor, any brand
One part lemon juice, either fresh or bottled
One part honey or agave nectar
Two parts Presidente' Brandy (substitutions are ok, but this flavors nicely with the rest of the ingredients)

Pour tea into mug, dissolve honey in hot tea, add lemon, add brandy, drink while warm, repeat often throughout the day and night. Trust me, it works wonders! Oh, and it helps with coughing and phlegm, too...hehehe
And don't forget to schmear Vicks VapoRub all over your back and chest and under your nose!

bunnits said...

Oh, dear. Certainly hope it's nothing serious. Glad you have BL.

Flicka said...

What a lovely picture though!

Hope you feel better soon

Crafty Green Poet said...

Get well soon RG! I hope BL has the bunnies lined up on a rota to bring you treats...

Glenna said...

Poor RG (also, poor BL). Get well soon, RG!

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

RG, please get well soon. We are all worried about you. Well, The Princess may have a bit of a "Snap out of it now" look about her. Take good care of him, BL, and don't let him see DR's disturbing selection for today.

Bunya said...

Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery, RG!

SixBunnies said...

Sending prayers to the Houseful of Rabbits! So sorry you aren't feeling well, RG! I am caring for my son who has a horrible respiratory infection. Time for everyone to feel well again! :)

C.M said...

I hope he gets better quick so he can go back to being a happy bunny!!

Jade said...

Oh dear, poor RG--but my sympathies go to BL if it's a bad bout of the manflu. The manflu is a terminal disease; it makes a wife want to kill a hubby to put him out of her misery. ;)

Feel better soon, RG!