Wednesday, May 1, 2013


 BL noticed that Racer was not eating very much hay when he was inside.  For some reason she got the idea of cutting it into short pieces.  Racer likes it!
 "Well, if you are too slow to understand it, I am not about to explain it.  Besides, I'm busy with my oats.  Shut the door and go away."  -  Racer who Knows
(Ancient Bunny Wisdom)


SixBunnies said...

The Way of the Bunneh is not for human minds to understand but only to follow ...

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

Ancient Bunny Wisdom: The squeaky wheel gets the oil.
More Bunny Wisdom: if you want your porridge to be just right you can count on BL.

Little Miss Titch said...

heheehe Racer you bring a cheer to my heart just like Speedy!

Christina said...

A bun must have his way.

Unknown said...

Have you had his teeth checked lately?

Jade said...

I should try that with His Majesty Mr. Mick; he does eat his hay more than he used to, but anything that will get even more hay in him is a wonderful thing.

Oh, and Racer, you are as always just adorable. :)