Wednesday, May 8, 2013


"Craisins!  I smell craisins!  Gimmee, gimmee, gimmee!"  -  Benji Knows
"Ay Gott, I can hardly keep up with these demands.  What can I do?" - RG the Overworked


Scout and Sage said...

What can you do? Why, obey the bunnies, of course!

It was a silly question, just ask any of them and they'll tell you. :)

Little Miss Titch said...

Hehehe this is the joy of being a bunny parent to be over worked and under paid except by love we receive,xx Rachel

Unknown said...

Rabbit appreciation comes in many different forms. Mostly the small, round, doot-y form. As much as my bunns do the doot, I am SOOO loved. Hehehe
My shriveled little black heart skipped a beat when I saw that nose, SERIOUSLY. And I gave a little squeak.
Love me some bunny noses!

Jade said...

*delivers a quick smooch to that sweet nose*

Just cannot resist the nose smoochings. :D

SixBunnies said...

Nose smooching is a known weakness in hoomin beans ... It's mostly frowned upon by rabbits ... but can be used by them to get what they want ...

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

There's just something about bunny noses that makes me want to kiss them.

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

RG, it is a privilege to be able to participate. Just be grateful.

Little Miss Titch said...

well its no good I have to give a big Smooch*SMOOOOCH!*