I am badly in need of food. I'm gaunt and the bottom of the dish is showing. Please hurry." - Racer the Hyberbolic

"Calm down Ittle Boy. Relief is in the way." - RG to the Rescue
"I keep forgetting to show, but there is some fairy magic along that lilac-petal trail."
I knew it.
Poor starving Racer. Someone send that bunny a UN relief drop!
Please some Racer some respect. I can practically see his ribs.
How can a poor starving bunny compete with fairy magic down the lilac blossom covered path? Ladies, to the Vans!
Racer, if I start out now, I can be there by, like, next Wednesday! Hang on little Dude!
Maybe Mr. Gnome can whip up some magic collards in a snap!
How about I send Speedy with some snack via the magic closet he can be there in a jiffy!xx Rachel
Go Speedy! Go 6Bs! This casual disregard for a poor bunny cannot go unanswered.
That guy is sneaking around (the gnome, not the rabbit). Watch out for the sneaky gnome!
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