Tuesday, May 21, 2013


...  try something a bit more muted, BL."  -  Racer the Dapper


Unknown said...

WHAT? That color is striking against your glossy black coat and white nose button! It has a nautical feel to it, doncha think? And don't you have a blue eye to match?

Little Miss Titch said...

Nautical?Captain Racer of the Lagomorph pirate ship extrodinaire,xxx Speedy

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

BL, sometimes I think it is just hopeless to try to please our men folk of all ages and species. My real mistake in life was failing to collect and offer for sale my husband's comments on just about all of my efforts. Ah, well, they are so cute. It just isn't fair to have been left at such a disadvantage.

SixBunnies said...

I think the color is marvelous next to your shiny coat! Black and white and bright colors are just lovely!

Crafty Green Poet said...

I think any colour is racer's colour.

Jade said...

Racer, that is a lovely color for you. Looks rather regal, and makes that smoochable nose stand out quite nicely. :)