L and W are down next to Baxter and Zoey and it is quite amusing to watch Bax, usually a pretty laid-back bunny, hot-foot it down where Zoey might be cavorting a bit with "The Boyz!" Lets everybody know their place quite firmly!
Slowly feeling better. A long way to go. Doc visit on Wed. Hopefully I'll get to start some motion exercises .. very confining having this thing in a sling all the time except for a few short "dangles" each day. Sleeping is terrible .. on my back on a couch or recliner .. for several 1 hour stints in the night. I can understand how people get hooked on drugs and much admire those who don't. Tonight I try earphones and music and some of the secret ancient oriental healing :<)
Hope you continue to feel better, sorry sleep is so difficult at the minute.
Chico certainly looks as if he's on lookout here...
Baxter, the knight in semi-white armour! He must have had a pretty busy day defending his fair maiden :D Hope you get some good rest tonight with the music and oriental magic!
Yeah, mix up those Bunns and watch the fun!. Good luck tonight with the earphones and Chinese stuff. You ma not get results right away, it's a sort of cumulative thing, so keep at it Grass Hopper. Hope sleep proves less elusive soon, that will help alot when you can sleep more.
I can't think of anybun better than cutie Chico to be supervising!
Keep getting better. I hope you're able to get some decent rest soon.
Great job, B.L. -- shake things up a little at A Houseful of Rabbits! Keeps those bunns on their toes! Chico looks like he is doing a good job of being in charge from the top of his box, I mean "throne."
Glad to hear that things are getting better for R.G. Sorry you can't sleep so good.
Chico looks to be guarding! I'm so sorry about your sleeping difficulties--does it make you cranky?
Ugh, sleep. Or lack thereof. That part really does stink. Listen to D Moll, she knows stuff.
Hope u get a better night and sleep well..
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