One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Yes, Racer got a turn in the "Pen of the Big House" today. He was more of an explorer than a watcher like Chico. A nice day for bunns out ... still a little chilly though.
hey! that's right ,, brave, intrepid racer did make that long lonely journey up to the upper loft one time! he is a little guy and does indeed get tons of snuggles and a few nose kisses - by BL of course, not me!
(this comment verification word is perfect for racer : loyelti !)
Racer's always been an explorer hasn't he? I remember the brave adventurer going upstairs to investigate...
Racer seems to like the chilly air :)
Nose alert, nose alert.....
He's such a cutie! I'd have to kiss that nose all the time if he were mine.
hey! that's right ,, brave, intrepid racer did make that long lonely journey up to the upper loft one time! he is a little guy and does indeed get tons of snuggles and a few nose kisses - by BL of course, not me!
(this comment verification word is perfect for racer : loyelti !)
How nice it must be for them to get out! It's cold here even for Henry to be out for too long!
We sure hope your arm is feeling better, RG! Glad to see that the crew is all doing well, though we have lots of catching up to do!
Racer you're just the coolest bun!
Racer just livin' up to his name -- racing to explore. Maybe he'll go down in history beside Lewis and Clark!
Go eaplore more, Racer... !
Could I possibly have permission to kiss that spot on your nose? Please?
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