The Bunns have commandeered the Blog, and I, The Princess, have been appointed to announce that on Wednesday, February 4, at 8:00am PST our uh, er, ahem ... uh .. beloved ... Rabbits' Guy will be "under the knife" having a torn rotator cuff repaired. We expect him home in drugged and jolly spirits by about noon. Bunny Lady has done a fine job getting ready for the care and attention he will demand ..

He will be "lurking" about the blog-o-sphere but probably not a heavy presence for a bit.
Please join us in wishing RG a speedy recovery .. it takes two to keep us happy here!
All the best with the repair, RG, and get well soon! We look forward to having you back on the blogosphere!
Princess, offer RG lotsa fresh herbs or alfalfa.. those nice smelling yummies helped us to regain our appetite when we went under the knife. Oh yea, make sure he poops, too :D
~ Buttons, Yohji & Hans ~
Oh, gosh, we had no idea he had gotten injured in the Carrot Bowl......Highly recommend taking Homeopathic Arnica before (if you can) and after surgery speeds haling enormously......Will be thinking good thought so HOR can have full service all the time......
=D and the Spots
Best wishes, RG! The bunnies and I send you wishes from Virginia to get well soon! And remember: if you don't poop, you get a syringe full of critical care!
Best of luck, RG!! We'll be thinking about you! Well, I will at least. Pumpkin and Patch disapprove of torn rotators cuffs. There really is no pleasing them... Feel better soon!
Get well soo, RG!
Hope you get better soon! Bananas and ear rubs always make us feel better so we hope you get lots of those.
get well soon RG and Princess you'd make a great journalist I'm sure
Get well soon, and do lots of bunny-snuggling!
Our friend Lou had that done last year and she's all better now! Best of luck to a speedy recover R.G. And, our happy thoughts go out to Bunny Lady who will have her hands full keeping up with all the bunns!
Wishing you a speedy recovery as there's no doubt the buns will not compromise their high standards of service delivery from the bunny slaves! We look forward to more updates from Princess.
Hey! Let me know if you need anything, I'm only 10 minutes away!
Oh and we wish for a speedy recovery.
Heal fast RG! And I agree, happy thoughts to BL who has quite a demanding furry group to tend to!
Thank you Princess, for our carefully considered report! Please send my best wishes to RG. I am sure he will need lots of bunny lovin' to feel better.
Lurk away, Rabbit's Guy, darlin', I've been there!
Don't forget to eat well so you can heal nicely! Keep us updated when you feel better, 'k?
Ask for plenty of Vicodin- nothing makes this long, cold winter pass faster than Vicodin.
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