She goes straight up and then heads for that door .... she knows that sound!
Out of time tonight, but hope to have a neat surprise tomorrow here....
One house, Two people, Five Rabbits! (Oh - and a cat.)
Out of time tonight, but hope to have a neat surprise tomorrow here....
yes bunnies always recognise the sound of a treat, with Anya it was particularly the sound of dandelions rustling in a bag...
Ooooo--we love surprises, unless it involves a bill that the dental plan has decided not to cover. That princess is a smart bunny. You could bounce a treat off my bunnies' heads and they wouldn't notice if they were busy with something else.
Oh my gosh, we can't wait! What is it???
A well deserved treat, no doubt, Princess. And a surprise? for moi?
Oh yes, bunnies know the sound of treats! If I even walk in the general direction of the craisins bag, my two get excited!
Not only that, but it can be the same treat every time and they'll be just as excited. Funny bunnies!
I could give that cute face treats all day.
I swear Orlando and Fiona can hear me open the cranberry bag from the other side of the condo.
Ooh, what is it?? An 11th bun???
A surprise?
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