Benji, we, and all the bunns at The House of Rabbits are so excited and honored!
We got this overseas package - as far as Bunny Lady and me can ever remember, we never have gotten a package from overseas! It says it is from Miss Eve, Neville, and Gabriella .. with .. I'm sure .. the touch of a posthumous paw of Hugo!

Part of my recovery, and especially the very minimal pain, I attribute to my special menu of old and proven Chinese techniques from D Moll. Especially the ear rubs, the good shoulder rub, and the Jing Well points stimulation. I also do much deep breathing and get lots of vitamin C, other anti-oxidants via a variety of fruits and vegetables, and avoid coffee and all caffeine. I had a full 2 inch incision with open surgery, so some of the ideas won't work, and some I am not limber enough to do. But I have enjoyed the ones I can do, and don't knock them until you've tried them!
Well the Ritter Sport is very obviously meant for Racer....
Glad to hear you're not in too much pain and that the Chinese techniques are working...
Yay! Glad it made it in one piece!
Hope bunnies enjoy the treats :)
Recovery is a long process, but is good to hear of the progress combined with the ancient Chinese techniques. Bunnies send more healing vibes >:x
OOOOoooohhh looks yummy... Jack thinks she would enjoy chewing the sweater the most!
Keep on getting better!
Wonderful presents! Just the thing to help R.G. get better faster. We're happy that you've found some ways to make the pain easier to manage.
Wow, what an excellent care package! Glad to hear you are having good results. Keep up the good qi work (hao qi gong). The Bunns probably think you've finally caught on to grooming (hey, look at him go for his ears!)
Nice presents, and I love that shirt. I may have to look around for one like it for Dan.
I'll be counting the next four weeks with you.
Oooh that's a nice package!! I love the sweatshirt..Proud Dad of Rescued Rabbits.. that's definitely you :D Here's hoping the next 4 weeks fly by for you.
Nice t-stirt, bunny treat and what? Chocolate? I loooooove chocolate!
Glad to hear u're not in too much pain.. I hope the recovery process will be fast.
How lucky you are to receive such a great package! What fun.
Oh, and how awful to not have caffine, I couldn't make it through the day with out my cup of coffee.
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