The shoulder progress continues ... sleeping is getting easier. I ditch the sling four times a day for some very mild elbow and shoulder moving .. that feels good ... usually about 1/2 hr. I am 23 days with the sling so far ... maybe 19 to go. Today I held Zoey for awhile. I was nervous because she likes to move around a bit. But it worked fine and I know she was happy to be back too - her teeth were purring away pretty good!
Oh .. had a late night meeting yesterday so no post. But Racer looked great there for two days. Yesterday morning when we got up, little Racer was very listless and did not want any food. After awhile, BL gave him the old stand by of a dose of Metacam and a bunch of fresh pineapple juice from a syringe. In about 5 hours, he popped up and began to eat and be active and is back to his usual perky self. Whew ... who knows.
Yay, Racer, for rallying! It terrifies me when I see a limp bun. Fingers crossed; we haven't seen that for a bit here. And today, over Elvis' objections (the terrible grunting) we groomed him and collected enough loose hair for another two rabbits. I figure anything we can brush out isn't consumed. But I'm glad you mentioned it; we need to restock the pineapple and papaya juice here.
Very good news on your shoulder. I would think between the inconvenience of the sling and the lack of sleep that you'd be forgiven for being grumpy.
Poor Racer, glad he recovered so quickly. Savannah is a busy bun is she not! Glad your shoulder is recovering
Ah, Zooey loves ya and is sensitive to your needs! Savannah sure likes to keep busy....Yeah, whew, Racer, had we known we would have been worried. Keep up your Chinese therapies! Good you can sleep better, sleep is so important to healing.
Hi and love your blog. Wondered about your use of Metacam, as I have no heard of it. Where do you get yours? Vet? Farm supply?
I usually use a mixture of molasses, glycerine and vegetable oil, which is sticky and dark. Will need to get some fresh pineapple juice. Not canned stuff, huh?
I'm glad Racer is okay. And yay to Savannah, for making so much progress on her art!
Glad your shoulder is doing well and that Racer got over that little scare he gave you.
Glad u are getting better ;)
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