Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"BENJI! ....

... caught in the act of raiding the outside hay bag!!!!" - RG the Snitch.
This is outside in an area Benji only goes for about an hour when it is raining.  Bunns take turns getting out and staying dry while the cleaners do their inside work!  He loves rummaging in there.


Crafty Green Poet said...

very sweet photo of Benji, even if he is being naughty

Unknown said...

Very cute!

Unknown said...

Benji, darlin', all you need is a pair of thumbs and you could raid the frig and pantry, where BL keeps all her nom nommy goodies.
One could argue that RG SHOULD be your pair of thumbs, however, he is in "dad" mode and only does what is "best for bunny", which means limited treats.
Dang Ole RG and goody goody thumbs!

SixBunnies said...

Well, a bunny's gotta do what a bunny's gotta do!

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

At our shelter, calling a bunny naughty would immediately get you some heavy duty sensitivity training. Look at those little feetsies. They make me feel so happy and this is good, because I am so sick. I blame this on you, RG. And no one is going to make me a chocolate cake. Still with my last dying breadth, I had to defend Benji. Is that SUTTR enough for you? Oh, by the way, it is always okay to call a bunny cheeky (especially if his name is Speedy and he is), but naughty will not do. My epitaph needs to be "She was useful to the bunnies, and something of a cry baby when she got sick."

Glenna said...

Your pal Froggy may like live black worms too--also available from many pet stores. You can refrigerate them in a plastic bag with a leaf of lettuce. Wonder if Froggy would like the bird blend I saw recently that was dried meal worms. Enjoying picturing you stalking the house with a flyswatter. Hmmmm--what you need are perhaps some maggots...

SixBunnies said...

Auntie Jane, please feel better! I agree, no naughty bunnies ... only ornery bunnies ... but again, a bunn's gotta do what a bunn's gotta do!

Christina said...

Smart guy Benji!

bunnits said...

Uh oh! But a really cute picture, anyway.

RoadBunner said...

Everyone knows the Forbidden Hay is the best hay.