Wednesday, February 27, 2013


"BL gives everybunn a square of whole wheat bread topped with a chunk of banana in the morning.  Benji is a "bread-first" man...

... Winston has the banana long gone first."  -  RG - the Confused.


Little Miss Titch said...

Mmmmm yummy breakfast treat

Crafty Green Poet said...

good way to start the day! When we got Anya we made sure we had bananas for her as a treat and she never, ever ate any in her life

Unknown said...

That is a great breakfast AND a treat all in one.
One bunns nanner is another bunns wheat bread...
HOR bunnies have the life...

DKM said...

Bananas always first!

SixBunnies said...

Three of my bunnies love ripe bananas. One gets made when the treat is bananas and not cranberries... Nobunny likes unripe bananas ... bleh

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

Oh, it makes me proud to be an American!

Jade said...

Surprisingly, Mick turns his nose up at fresh banana, although he probably would eat the bread if I gave him any. He'll just have to settle for the oats... :)

Unknown said...

So cute! It's amazing how they all have such different personalities and likes/dislikes.

Lalis said...

I have two "weirdos" at home... Neither Ashy nor Jamili will go crazy for banana. Ashy will eat it 'cause he eats EVERYTHING. Jamili... nope. It's a miracle if she eats her carrot pieces.

Moshi, Tiny, and my sister's buns Toki and Lagos did love some ripe banana!

Clovie Boy said...

I didn't know you could feed a bunny bread! We stick to the fruits and veges. Bananas are a fav here. The unripe seem to stick to the teeth...

RoadBunner said...

wow! What lucky buns! Mario says he cannot be friends with Benji. Who doesn't eat the banana first?! Or is that sort of like leaving the bite with the pickle for last when you eat a McDonalds hamburger? :)