Thursday, February 28, 2013


... wrong in this picture.  Quickly!"  -  RG the Quizmaster.


Little Miss Titch said...

no salad,there a box of pellet in the hay box and there are no treats!

Crafty Green Poet said...

no treats, no snuggles, no treats!

SixBunnies said...

Princess is obviously low on hay, OUT of food, without treats, and her bathroom hasn't been cleaned! Outrageous! It's a good thing she is tolerant of the servants around the castle this morning!

Brigid said...

Everyone guessed what I was going to say!

d. moll, said...

empty plate, dirty litter box, no hay

SixBunnies said...

I'm sure we are all very concerned and want to know if Princess was EVER rescued from her dispair and properly cared for??? Where are the AFTER pictures??? What SUTR did RG have to do to get out of the dog house? We need pictures.

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

Appalling! The Princess' ears are back and not from being gently stroked. I, too, consider "after" documentation essential. And, it will be very critical eyes that we cast over it. Sort of makes you sorry you didn't get Chico a real sombrero, huh, RG? We are on to you now.

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

This is really dreadful. I've never seen The Princess look so forlorn.

RG said...

Isn't the whole thing just pathetic? Shame on us.

Scout and Sage said...

I was going to say 'Lack of snuggles, hay and salad' but perhaps I should have said 'Lack of worship.'

I will send myself to the time out corner and consider how the Princess should properly appreciated for all the (ahem) she puts up with from us furless apes.

Jade said...

Mr. Mick sends his sympathy (and some consolatory nose bonks and bunny kisses) to The Princess, as he well-knows how it is to have a staff that is not always competent. He has had to wait far too many times for the royal bakery to make his hay cookies, and for his slacker mum to feed him on time.

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

Mr. Mick, too? This just gets worse and worse! Picks up phone and calls known unsavory characters...

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