Tuesday, February 19, 2013


... the morning paper, and The Princess!  Now all I need is a hot cup of ...
 ... HEY!  It's Froggy!  Hold the coffee."  -  RG the Surprised.
"We had not seen Froggy for awhile - feared the worst.  Then yesterday - there he is.  We keep a little cap of water in there but not sure what else to do.  Figure he will catch bugs and things in the plants - hopefully - until it is a bit warmer to go outside.  We have a few house-flies buzzing around this winter.  I "stunned" one today, and put it on the pot edge near Froggy.  WHIZ-GLURP.  Gone fly!  So now I need to hunt down a fly twice a day!  In the meantime, someone told BL he will eat blood worms and to get them in frozen blocks at a pet store.  So, now there are a few of those in a bit of water down in there too - plus a fly I killed and laid on the pot edge.  Froggy is out of sight.  Wonder what tomorrow will bring?"  -  RG the Zoologist.


RoadBunner said...

Definitely a nice table setting there. Hello, Froggy! Fly hunting.... talk about a high maintenance pet! And we thought the rabbits were demanding.

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

That's adorable you're caring for a frog now!

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

Just amazing! I think we were all politely forbearing to inquire about Froggy. It seemed to me that you were faced with an impossible task. I really can't believe he is still with us. Bravo, you all!

bunnits said...

Yay! The return of Froggy!

Nice centerpiece, including the Princess. Our Twinkie, the Foolish Feline, tried to eat the roses I was given for Valentine's Day.

Pepper said...

Ha ha ha! Animals for miles around hear about the legendary care of RG and BL. First the rabbits, then Kitty Boy and now Froggy - who will turn up next?

Unknown said...

Froggy is getting bigger, looks like.
Coffee sounds good.
I can't keep flowers in the house. Spider the cat will attack them.
Pretty Princess!
Cats are weird..

SixBunnies said...

What a good surprise! Froggy! You are taking very good care of him! That is so funny that you have a froggy loose in your house! I wonder if he chats with the bunns at night???

kellish said...

its nice to see someone go out of their way to help a critter. I true sign of humanity. I used to see tree frogs all the time when I was a kid, I feel like they are few and far between now.

Little Miss Titch said...

Hi Princess,Hi Froggy,Hi HOR all is good in the HOR,But when you have a minute pop over for a visit we have some thing for you,xx Speedy and Mum

Crafty Green Poet said...

how sweet to have Froggy hanging around and is Princess really reading the newspaper there?

Charlotte said...

'Stunned a fly' - that's just priceless! xxx

Friend of the Animals said...

I can't believe no one has accidentally stepped on the frog! That is great he is still around!