Racer is a quiet snuggler, so I can manage him. Zoey or Goldie or Lucky (my usual holding buddies) would try to climb up my arm
ok .. so in early september i am at the local, small-town, community fitness center. there's another "older" fellow there and we are comparing notes and blabbing. a young oriental girl is there too and asks about pushups! well, macho richard - that's the other guy - leaps right in and tells her it's easy. just do one the best you can. next time do two. then, next time three ... and so on. pretty soon she'll be strong enough and be knocking out 15 or 20 at a time, easy. anyway that makes me think i should add pushups into my workout - i could do that at home, easy, first thing in the morning. so i did ... 1, then 2, then 3, ..... by gosh i got to 27 and the next day i thought a truck had run over me.
i had forgot to connect my brain and be sure to take a day or two off between each day of doing some!! all that wear and tear of the rotator cuff moving over already somewhat worn and jagged bone caused some tearing .. and that is that. took quite a long time of conservative diagnosis and treatment (2 months and more) before it was clearly time for an mri - which showed the problem.
now i have probably 3 months of recover and rehab and then have the other shoulder done .. it is also pretty painful and pretty limited in capacity.
some other answers: no, i don't do night-time music, the rest of the house vetoed it. no i can't do much shoulder movement at all for about 6 weeks. i do take the sling off a few times a day to let my arm hang down and then flex it up along my front, to keep the elbow loose. yes, bunny snuggles help a lot - as does the help and support from bl .. it is quite a change for her ... there are many many of my usual chores i can no longer do and so she is learning them. i also can't drive for those 6 weeks .. or tuck in a shirt. no i haven't started the secret oriental treatments but plan to this weekend. right now it is hard to focus or concentrate on any one thing very long.
now, i hurt, so good night. thanks again for the kind words, helps, and patience!
Owh... hope u'll fully-recover soon...
And dont forget to be careful next time..
Hooray for pain meds and surgery that fixes things. Don't be afraid of the pain meds, they are your friend. You'll be right as rain by summer, RS.
Hurray for little Racer! (He's smaller than I realized, but that nose blazes brightly.) And hurray for BL--she sounds like a real good Valentine.
I didn't realise you needed to get the other shoulder done too.. Well, I guess by then BL would be a pro at performing your usual chores ;) Meantime, get all the rest and bunny snuggles possible! Racer sounds like a real sweet boy.
Get some headphones, OK? Do your secret Chinese treatments, once you do it a few times it will be easy. At least you can type a little.....We are all pulling for you (and for BL too.... and all the Bunns)
Hang in there. It's not forever. It only feels that way.
Whew! That's great to see you're recouping well. Coincidentally, I'm taking the one hundred push-ups challenge. It goes very differently than your buddy suggested, and I am trying to be very careful at any rate!
Could be worse - it could be your hip or knee!
When you get back, come by our blog to pick up an award we send you. Another for your growing gallery! Love your blog!!
Well i'm glad to hear you're getting the surg done on both and you will be better than new! Did you get pics of the inside - my friends' was wild to look at, how jagged the socket was and they smoothed it all out! Then tied it all up. Amazing what medicine can do.
Take it easy recovering, Thanks BL for being so good to you! Glad you can still cuddle with the bunnehs
Bunny vibes heading your way from Miss Eve and Neville...while mum sent something else that hopefully will bring a smile to your face :) The other treat, we've been told, is to be shared with BL, while there's plenty of stuff for all the 10 buns in the third surprise...
Get well soon RG (and we can see all the bunnies are helping, especially Racer!)
Good to see you are blogging! One day at a time-your getting better!
You need an iPod! Wonderful little thing can keep you busy and keep your sanity.
Let me know if you want me to come over and do chores!
Hey RG, I agree with D Mol Lac - get some headphones. I just read about a study that concluded that listening to music reduces pain - but it must be your favourite music, not any music. Check out www.cbc.ca/health for the article. Glad to hear you are getting better and getting bunny cuddles too!
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