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The Princess came to our house seven years ago today ...... she was 8 weeks old. First she was called Beau (short for beautiful) Bunny because we live in Bow, WA!
She lived for several days in this big box........
Then she moved to this area we fixed, and there she has been all these years. She had Benson, her little Jersey Woolly mate for several years until Benson died 14 months ago.
Somehow we came to believe a well-cared for domestic bunny would live 7 years. So now every day with this one is a major treat and very special! And, she does not let us ever forget that! That is why she came to be renamed "The Princess!"
What a sweet baby bunny she was! Happy Gotcha Day, Princess, and many more!
Oh happy gotcha day Princess! Lovely photos.
Happy Happy Gotcha Day! RG, come on, 7 years? I mean sure that is up there but all your bunnies are so well taken care of, you are such a good slave, I hope it's a lot longer!
Happy Gotcha Day, Princess! What a cute little baby bun you were!
Happy Gotcha Day Miss Princess!
You were such a cute baby! And still are!
Andrewbun & Mom
Happy gotcha day from us too, Princess! We humans are going to have a special pancake in your honour :)
7 years is not that long for a bunny - Princess has many more years to keep you in check, that's for sure!
hoppy gotcha day!!
Hoppy hoppy gotcha day from us in Sweden! Another lovely picture of the little baby Princess!
Oh, Princess, you melt hearts all over the world and rule your kingdom with such sweet disapproval. Now then as to longevity I have heard 15 years, but 7 or 15 each bun moment is a diamond. Hoppy day Princess.
wow happy gotcha day for princess and happy anniversary for you guys! how awesome that is!
I love the little baby Princess pics! How sweet!
Baby bunnies are so sweet, but so much trouble! Love how little and cute they are as babies, but a full-grown rabbit is a much better pet, I think. Happy Gotcha Day, Princess, and many more. May you long rule your kingdom with a velvet paw.
Happy Gotcha Day Princess!
She is so beautiful, and so lucky to have such a loving family! Here's to more special memories with the slaves (I mean the family!) :D
(Oh and I finally wrote a post about Puddy - she's great! Mental, but great! Thanks for asking :D )
Oh my god, baby Princess is adorable beyond words!!! Happy Gotcha Day, Princess.. you're looking just as good as you did when you arrived 7 years ago :D
Happy belated gotcha day to Princess. You can tell her that my first bunny, so originally named Thumper, lived to be 14. Admittedly by 12 she had a cataract, and by 13 she began to have arthritis, but truly, she was a marvel of rabbit longevity. May Princess be equally blessed in her lifespan.
No wonder you were smitten! Princess was a lovely little baby bun (and she's a beautiful older bun today!)
Happy belated Gotcha Day!! What adorable baby photos!
Happy Gotcha Day, Princess! I just had my 7th birthday and my second gotcha day is coming right up. Our Moms say we look a lot like. I think it's funny that you were called Beau for Handsome and I am named Bella for Beautiful! Hope you get lots of rubs and special treats!
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