Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Lucky has taken to hanging his one foot over when he gets held for some pettin' on his way back in to his condo for the night. His teeth commence a chittering as soon as he is settled!
He is a Holland Lop with longer, silky hair .. 1/2 of the group known as The Boyz.


Unknown said...

He's a coool cat!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

He looks very relaxed. It looks like he's got a little crease over his nose, too, as if he's been wiggling it a lot lately. Nice spring scents in the air, perhaps?

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely pose...

Anonymous said...

Looks like he's trying to scratch your leg as you scratch his back :)

Anonymous said...

he looks like he is comfortable just chillin' -

Hef's Mom said...

He looks tough to me. You want this guy to exercise? Well ya gunna hafta go thru me

Anonymous said...

that little face makes me melt every time.

Anonymous said...

Nice chillaxin'!

d. moll, said...

I'd say that is one blissful bunn.....

Friend of the Animals said...

My cat does that when I hold him!

YowlYY said...

Cute picture - he looks so very at ease!
I see that the white of his fur is so blurred - effect of the flash light? I am finding a tad difficult to take pics of Neville with the flash light - all that white fluff!!

Glenna said...

Love the little dangling foot. Possibly heat sink, the same way I hang one foot out of the covers so the rest of me doesn't get too hot. So he cuddles in your lap, but hangs the foot so he doesn't get too warm. You're so lucky to have so many good cuddlers.

Anonymous said...

Wow, relaxing!!